Kalin Estates

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Gold Coast Sunshine Premium

Golden sunshine virtually paves the streets of California with a Midas shimmer, providing year round warmth and light. The environment is different than many other parts of the world, and it is an evident spotlight for solar radiance. Sun worshipers flock from all corners of the globe to have an opportunity to bask in the golden glow without facing the tundra of frigid ice and cold that California’s counterparts face to the north and east.

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NREL. (2008, January 23). National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA CSP Map. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NREL_

The added number of people creates a higher demand for space. Real estate is at a premium value and affects the pricing of goods & services across the region. The land is worth much more along the coastline with metropolitan cities such as Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Malibu demanding a median home price over $2 Million. Many estates fetch tens of millions if not hundreds of millions depending on the size of the property and design of the home. This has changed the culture for standard of living in California.

The rules of time and space seem to bend under the luminous sun rays. California receives almost twice as much sun (kWh/m²/Day) than other parts of the country. This extra energy comes at a higher cost, often referred to as the ‘Sunshine Tax.’ However, for residents this essential sustenance of light is worth the extra price on leases and homeownership.

Rent and costs of goods are often 30% higher than other parts of the USA. California is the most cost burdened state in the country. Yet for many, those willing to invest in property have found their land value is brimming with a bright golden future.


(2021, January). Los Angeles Market Overview. zillow.com/los-angeles-ca/home-values/

(2020, November 18). Most Expensive U.S. Zip Codes in 2020: Medians on the Rise in Country’s 100 Priciest Zips. Property Shark. propertyshark.com/Real-Estate-Reports…

(2020, March). Los Angeles Housing Market: Trends & Prices. SoFi. sofi.com/los-angeles..

NREL. (2008, January 23). National Renewable Energy Laboratory USA CSP Map. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NREL_

(2021, January). Los Angeles Market Overview. zillow.com/los-angeles-ca/home-values/

Cannon, Christopher. (2019, November 6). How California Became America’s Housing Market Nightmare. Bloomberg. www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2019-california…